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   Meteorology  Department

|Intro page MD | MFC | MCC | AMC | IMC | NMON | 

  Meteorological Forecast Centre


                             About center  

                             Dangerous and hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena

                             Data used in the forecasting process



          Services and products offered by the Meteorological Forecast Centre


      Every day, the Meteorological Forecast Centre develops the Meteo Bulletin. It is sent to the local and central public authorities, as well as to some economic agents.

The Meteo Bulletin includes:

- The meteorological analysis of the last 24 hours (the complex characterization of the weather in the last 24 hours in Moldova);

- 24 hours detailed weather forecast;

- 2-7 days weather forecast.

      The servicing of the main national economy branches, including agriculture, auto and rail transport, constructions, electro-power is carried out by providing tailored weather forecasts and warnings.

      The whole  servicing  process  of the  population  and  stakeholders  is carried  out on  the basis  of the Plan-scheme  for meteorological servicing, approved by the Ministry of Environment.

      The forecasted and analyzed meteorological information is disseminated to the end users through different communication means, such as telephone, fax, email, as well as in printed, audio and visual form.

      The main part of the mentioned services are offered for the public use free of charge on the basis of the Government Resolution No. 330 of 3 April 2006 for the approval of the SHS free of charge and paid services nomenclature and the way of use of the SHS special means.

      The same Government Resolution foresees that several services are paid because of the expenses related to their development and provision.

      Every year the experts of the Center prepare the Annual report on the hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena and sudden weather changes. In addition, monthly, seasonal and yearly analyses are elaborated.


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