Administration  Meteorology Hydrology Environment Quality Monitoring Financial Departement

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  Environment Quality Monitoring Department




Environmental Quality Monitoring Department (EQMD) within the State Hydrometeorological Service performs systematic ecological monitoring of the environmental the quality of environmental components (surface water, air, soil, sediments, atmospheric precipitations, γ-radiation etc.) according to a monitoring network throughout the entire territory of the Republic of Moldova.

The national monitoring system regarding environmental quality was established in the sixth decade of the last century, but systematic observations started in 1980 currently having as priority objectives:

  • monitoring of the environmental quality and determining the pollution level;

  • detection of extremely high pollution of surface water, air and soil;

  • prevention and mitigation of anthropogenic impact on the environment and population;

  • emergency warning about extremely high pollution of environmental objects;

  • systematic informing of the public on the environmental quality.


Being provided with adequate human and technical potential, as well as holding the Accreditation Certificate Nr. LÎ - 023 (previous nr. LÎ 01 220) of 21st of February 2014, according to international standard ISO/CEI 17025, the EQMD includes 7 subdivisions:

      Organizational Chart of Environmental Quality Monitoring Department

At present the national monitoring system contributes at solving some of the most important problems related to environmental quality, integration of environmental issues in the economic sector, as well as, promotion of sustainable development.

The subdivisions of EQMD activate in the frame of the following organizations:

  • Danube River Protection Convention;

  • Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants;

  • Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents;

  • Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution as well as according to other national and regional bilateral and multilateral agreements between Republic of Moldova and neighboring countries.

EQMD provides the following qualitative services to all institutions or stakeholders:

  • the pollution degree of surface and potable water;

  • the pollution degree and fertility of soil;

  • the pollution degree of ambient air in the area of monitoring posts;

  • radioactive background level.


Soil quality within the teritory of the Republic of Moldova




Chief of EQMD

Gavril Gîlcă

- tel       : (022) 76-68-55
      e- mail:

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