- to organize activities related to accounting and finance;
- to present to the Ministry of Finance the complete and authentic
information about the economic processes and the results of the State Hydrometeorological Service;
- to determine the accounting form and methods, based on the current
legislation and the record information processing technology;
- to elaborate the system for performing the evidence of monthly,
quarterly and annual reports, submitted to the respective financial authorities in due time;
- to draw up the statements of budget expenditures, the financial
statements of special means and present them to the Ministry of Finance;
- to ensure the correct execution of expenditure statements according to
allocations provided in the estimate and rules established in the normative acts;
- to approve the inventory documents, the disposal acts for fixed assets
and other tangible assets in accordance with the regulations in force;
- to solve other expenses deriving from the tasks attributed to the
Department and to ensure the methodological chairing of accounting records;
- to draw up the current and perspective plans regarding the economic and social development of the Service;
- to sign contracts with economic agents interested in hydrometeorological information;
- to develop and implement technico-economical norms and normative rules
regarding human and material expenses for the fields of activity of the Service.
The Financial Report of the State Hydrometeorological Service for 2012