Administration  Meteorology Hydrology Financial Department

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Financial Department



The responsibility of the Finance and Accounting Department is to carry out the tasks of the Service concerning the organization, coordination and control of the financial and accounting activities.

The department operates in accordance with the current legislation, the Accounting Law no. 113-XVI of 27 April 2007, as well aswith the decisions and ordinances of the Government, the Ministry of Finance and other state authorities that are entitled to coordinate in the economics and financial field.

The Finance and Accounting Department is divided into Accounting Division and Planning and Marketing Division.


Basic tasks of the Department:

- to organize activities related to accounting and finance;

- to present to the Ministry of Finance the complete and authentic information about the economic processes and the results of the State Hydrometeorological Service;

- to determine the accounting form and methods, based on the current legislation and the record information processing technology;

- to elaborate the system for performing the evidence of  monthly, quarterly and annual reports, submitted to the respective financial authorities in due time;

- to draw up the statements of budget expenditures, the financial statements of special means and present them to the Ministry of Finance;

- to ensure the correct execution of expenditure statements according to allocations provided in the estimate and rules established in the normative acts;

- to approve the inventory documents, the disposal acts for fixed assets and other tangible assets in accordance with the regulations in force;

- to solve other expenses deriving from the tasks attributed to the Department and to ensure the methodological chairing of accounting records;

- to draw up the current and perspective plans regarding the economic and social development of the Service;

- to sign contracts with economic agents interested in hydrometeorological information;

- to develop and implement technico-economical norms and normative rules regarding human and material expenses for the fields of activity of the Service.



The Financial Report of the State Hydrometeorological Service for 2012




Şef DFC, contabil-şef Movileanu Cristina (022) 77-36-29
Deputy Chief Accountant Romanenco Elene -tel: (022) 77-36-07

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