Administration  Meteorology Hydrology Financial Departement

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|Intro page MC | MFD | MCD | AMD | IMD | NMON | 

Information Management Department


 Information Management Department (IMD) includes the following working groups:

  • Group on Informational Management;

  • Group on Databases Development and Storage;

  • Group on National Hydrometeorological Data Fund.

        The main responsibilities of the Group on Informational Management are to develop and disseminate the operative information received from the Meteorology Department, this providing the local and central public authorities, population, economic agents with regime information, as well as information on forecasts and occurrence of unfavorable meteorological conditions. Also, the Group carries out the control of the meteorological information disseminated by mass-media.

        In the frame of the Group on Databases Development and Storage the meteorological observations data from the national observation network are monthly processed on the basis of the software: CLICOM (climate computing), PERSONA MIS WIN, PERSONA MIS MIP (meteorological information process system).

        The main tasks of the Group on National Hydrometeorological Data Fund are sunt:

  • collecting, storing, systematizing and keeping the record of the investigation and research materials related to hydrometeorological regime on the territory of the Republic;

  • recording the departmental hydrological stations and posts;

  • elaborating the catalogues in accordance with the hydrometeorological data of the Republic of Moldova.

        The National Hydrometeorological Data Fund is continuously updated with data from the national hydrometeorological network.



 Contacts :    


Chief of the Department  Natalia Iagolniţchi-Onofrei      - tel: (022) 77-35-07       





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