Administration  Meteorology Hydrology Financial Departement

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Communication and Information Technology Center


Communication and Information Technology Center (CITC) represents the SHS subdivision that assures the functioning of meteorological information collecting, processing and disseminating system, as well as of other information technologies of the institution, inclusive of the administrative information exchange.

The Centre consists of two entities: Communications Group and Information Technology Group.

The Communication Group provides the efficient non-stop operation of the national observational network.

In order to solve the major tasks related to collection and process of the meteorological data, the Information Technologies Group created in 2003 the software „Compositor”. It is used for the development of the regime bulletins according to the format established by WMO.

In order to receive and transmit the information by the operative subdivisions of the Service and by Roshydromet, in 2004 there was purchased the software and hardware complex Unimas.

The main tasks of Unimas are:

  • Collection of data from the hydrometeorological stations of the national observations network and their transmission to the data process centers;

  • Dissemination of the processed hydrometeorological information (in the form of analyses, forecasts, maps) from the process centers to the operative forecasts centers;

  • Convert the message format and organize the connection nodes with other data transmission networks (email, telegraph etc.).

Since 2010 the national observation network was upgraded with new Internet technologies such as access to data and communication via the HTTP protocol, via FTP, email and others.


IT Group

One of the main components of the information culture of the present society is the use of the information technologies.

The main responsibilities of the Group are to implement the new information technologies methods into the subdivisions of the Service, provide the storage of all types of hydrometeorological and environmental information, develop software, develop, complete and storage of databases.

At present, all the Service subdivisions are provided with compute. The specialists of the group are responsible for the elaboration of the automatic workplaces for hydrologists, meteorologists, agrometeorologists and others. Also, they develop software for process of the climatic, hydrologic, actinometrical and other meteorological information, as well as of the information about the water, soil and air pollution.

One of the main tasks of the Group is the extension and service of the local network, reparation and maintenance of the PCs, maintenance and update of the SHS webpage.

Besides the developments of the Group, there are implemented and serviced the purchased software, as well as the one received from WMO.

Also, the Group provides with software the automatic stations and the modern analytical equipment, such as Spectrophotometer Cary 100, chromotograph and others that are used in the frame of the Service.

All the introduced data are stored on technical devices that multiplied, rewritten and continuously renewed. Therefore the databases is kept to be further used.



tel: (022) 77-35-47


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