Administration  Meteorology Hydrology Financial Departement

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  Meteorology  Department

|Intro page MD | MFC | MCC | AMC | IMC | NMON | 

Meteorological Forecast Centre

                          Services and products  

                          Dangerous and hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena

                          Data used in the forecasting process


     The main task of the Meteorological Forecast Centre (MFC) is to provide local and central public authorities, economic agents and population with the weather forecasts for 1 to 5 days and to issue information about extreme and unfavourable weather phenomena.

     During this process the received aerosynoptic information is analyzed. The information is received through different regional and global data collection and dissemination centers (Moscow, Toulouse, Bucharest etc.), as well as from the national hydrometeorological observations.

     Well-qualified specialists continuously analyse and issue short-range forecasts (up to 36 h) and medium range forecasts (up to 144 h).In addition to that the level of the forecast veracity is evaluated and the hydrometeorological data archive is continuously updated.

     Meteorological information is delivered to users through modern communication means, including Internet, telephone, and fax in printed, audio and visual forms as well as by means of interviews. Various branches of national economy such as agriculture, transport, railroad, construction and power sector are provided with “Technical notes” that present the dependence of these branches on the meteorological conditions.

     The scheme of met data transmission to the central and local authorities and other institutions was elaborated. Besides that, the Meteorological and Aeronautical Forecasting Centre is developing the yearly Report on the Hazardous Hydrometeorological Phenomena and the Sudden Changes in Weather for the previous year.




Chief of the Center Rosca G. - tel        : (022) 77-35-03
     e- mail:

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