Administration  Meteorology Hydrology Financial Departement

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               Meteorology  Department

              | MFC | MCC | AMC | IMC | NMON | 


                  Main Tasks of the Department: 

  • organization, development and methodicalguidance of the state system of meteorological and agrometeorological observations;

  • issue of public meteorological forecasts (agrometeorological, climatic) and warnings about dangerous weather phenomena that are regularly disseminated to the central and local public authorities, mass media; tprovision of economic agents with specific information about unfavourable weather phenomena on a contract basic according to the scheme coordinated by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources;

  • issue of specific forecasts for economic agents in terms of contract;  

  • control over use of hydrometeorological information by economic agents;

  • delivery of specific information about hazard occurrence and intensity to juridical and natural persons as requested;

  • systematic analysis, synthesis of meteorological and agrometeorological conditions;

  • preparation and publication of informative material and systematic delivery of information to the local and central public authorities, economic agents and population.

      Meteorology Department includes the following centers:






Chief of the MD Treşcilo Lidia - tel       : (022) 77-36-44
     e- mail:
Deputy Chief    Dabija Tatiana  - tel      : (022) 77-36-44
      e- mail:

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