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Agrometeorological Monitoring Center

The agrometeorological monitoring scheme


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Agrometeorological Monitoring Center collects and generalizes agrometeorological data, which are used to evaluate the weather conditions influence on the agricultural crops growth.
The agrometeorological forecasts in the Republic of Moldova are carried out on 17 weather stations and 20 agrometeorological posts. The available soil moisture is the key element of agrometeorological observation as precondition for the growth of crops.

According to the agrometeorological observations data, in the beginning of spring the humidity reserves forecast is developed. The forecast is used by the farmers to determine the optimal dates for crop sowing. The average yield forecast allows the early assessment of the food provision state in the country.

The agrometeorological observations data are published since 1955 into agrometeorological yearbooks and agroclimatic guidelines. Agroclimatic information contributes to the rational allocation of agricultural enterprises and selection of the best practices for increase of agricultural output.




Chief of the Center           Tatiana Mironova        -   - tel: (022) 77-36-47



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