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Meteorological Forecast Centre


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Data used in the forecasting process


In order to develop a forecast, the Meteorological Forecast Centre analyzes non-stop a huge amount of aerosynoptic data, including:

  • Data on weather elements (air and soil temperature, air humidity, wind direction and velocity, atmospheric pressure and baric trend, cloud cover ant types, precipitations and atmospheric phenomena), collected within the national observations network, as well as the data recorded at the ground weather stations located in Europe, as well as the maritime stations across the Northern Atlantic;

  • Information about the state of the atmosphere in the air layer up to 20 km altitude (air temperature and humidity, wind direction and velocity on the standard isobaric surfaces) recorded at the upper air ground and maritime stations, located in Europe and across the northern Atlantic;

  • METEOSAT and NOAA images of the clouds;

  • Radar information, recorded in Moldova (the meteorological radar MRL-5 located at the Chişinău International Airport) and in Romania (composite image of the Doppler radar, National Meteorological Administration of Romania);

  • Synoptic charts developed on the basis of numeric models of the main global forecasting centers – DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany), ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, UK), MetOffice (National Weather Service, UK), GFS (NCEP, SUA), NOGAPS (Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, Canada), ALADIN/ARPÅGE (Meteo-France), JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency), MSC (Meteorological Service of Canada), USAFE and MM5 (Air Force Weather Agency, USA).


The information is received as charts and telegrams encoded by using the international meteorological codes.

The direct data channel Chişinău-Moscova is operating in the frame of the Centre. It is used to exchange the information and to display the GIS-Meteo meteorological information.

Also, in November 2010, within the regional EUMETSAT project, the DAWBEE station of reception and visualisation of satellite data was installed in the National Meteorological Forecasting Center, through which it is realized the monitoring in cvasi-real time of the atmospherical status, evolution of cloud systems, humidity fields characteristics and meteorological phenomena etc.


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