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The list and the criteria of the dangerous and hazardous hydrometeorological

phenomena and of the sudden weather changes 


      Dangerous phenomena 

  • Thunderstorms

  • Storms and winds in gusts of 15 m/s and more

  • Fog of 200 m and less visibility that lasts 3 hours and more

  • Heavy rains with a precipitations amount of 15-49 mm accumulated in 12 hours

  • Hail with diameter of 6-19 mm

  • Heavy snowfalls with a precipitations amount of 7-19 mm accumulated in 12 hours

  • Snowstorm with wind speed of more than 11 m/s, more than 3 hours

  • Sleet deposits with diameter of 11-34 mm

  • Glazed frost with diameter of 6-19 mm

  • Icy roads

  • Heat waves – air temperature of +33°C and more


      Hazardous phenomena 

  • Storms and winds in gusts of 25 m/s and more

  • Heavy rains with a precipitations amount of 50 mm and more, accumulated in 12 hours, or with a precipitations amount of 30 mm and more, accumulated in 1 hour

  • Long lasting rains with a precipitations amount of 120 mm and more, accumulated in 1-3 days

  • Heavy hail with diameter of 20 mm and more

  • Heavy snowfalls with a precipitations amount of 20 mm and more accumulated in 12 hours

  • Snowstorm accompanied by snow drifting

  • Fog of 50 m and less visibility that lasts more than 24 hours

  • Glazed frost with diameter of 20 mm and more

  • Ground frosts – negative air temperatures at a 2 m height and at the soil surface during the vegetation period

  • Severe frost – air temperature of -25°C and less

  • Exceptional fire risk 


Sudden weather changes

  • Decrease of the maximum or minimum air temperature by 10°C and more during the cold period of the year

  • Decrease of the air temperature by 10°C and more in 6-12 hours

  • Replacement   of the   period   without  precipitations  (3-5 days  and  more)  with  a  period  with precipitations  (3-5 days and more) and vice versa.


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