Storms and winds in gusts of 25 m/s and more
Heavy rains with a precipitations amount of 50 mm and more, accumulated in 12 hours, or with a precipitations amount
of 30 mm and more, accumulated in 1 hour
Long lasting rains with a precipitations amount of 120 mm and more, accumulated
in 1-3 days
Heavy hail with diameter of 20 mm and more
Heavy snowfalls with a precipitations amount of 20 mm and more accumulated in 12 hours
Snowstorm accompanied by snow drifting
Fog of 50 m and less visibility that lasts more than 24 hours
Glazed frost with diameter of 20 mm and more
Ground frosts – negative air temperatures at a 2 m height and at the soil surface during the
vegetation period
Severe frost – air temperature of -25°C and less
Exceptional fire risk