Administration  Meteorology Hydrology Financial Departement

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Meteorology  Department  

|Intro page MD | MFC | MCC | AMC | IMC | NMON | 

Meteorology and Climatology Center


                                          About center 

                                          The scheme of the meteorological monitoring




Types of products:



  • Monthly table of meteorological data from TMS stations;

  • Monthly table of meteorological data from TMP posts;

  • Meteorological monthly and annual bulletin;

  • Information about dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena for WMO Annual Bulletin for RA VI;

  • Necessary information for part 1 of „ The Synthesis of hydrometeorological conditions and environment pollution status on the territory of CIS countries ”;

  • Quarterly characteristics of the humidity  regime for the „ Ecological Bulletin ”;

  • Meteorological data for the annualreport of the National Bureau of Statistics;

  • Meteorological characteristics of decades, months, seasons and years;

  • Description of extreme meteorological events;

  • Certificates regarding the meteorological conditions at the request of state authorities, economic agents and private individuals.


  • Climatic guidelines;

  • Monography "Климат Молдавской ССР" (Climate of Moldavian SSR);

  • Monography "Климат Кишинева" (Climate of Chisinau);

  • Climatic   manual   „Стихийные  метеорологические  явления  на  Украине  и  в  Молдавии” (Hazardous meteorological phenomena in Ukraine and Moldova);

  •  Certificates regarding the meteorological conditions at the request of state authorities, economic agents and private individuals.

  Services provided by the Centre:

  • Certificates regarding the meteorological conditions;

  • Annual meteorological data;

  • Long term average data (climatic);

  • Climatic characterization for all the regions of the republic;

  • Assessment of the eolian power potential;

  • Specialized recommendations about the location of eolian installations.

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Vremea in Chisinau
Serviciul Hidrometeorologic
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