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 Meteorology  Department

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Meteorology and Climatology Center

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 The observations are carried out at 00 a.m., 3 a.m., 6 a.m., 9 a.m. 12 a.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. (GMT) on the following meteorological elements

  •    Atmospheric pressure (at sea level and at station level);

  •    Air temperature (ordinary, maximal, minimal);

  •    Air humidity (partial pressure, relative humidity, dew-point deficit);

  •    Wind (direction and speed);

  •    Meteorological visibility;

  •    Precipitations;

  •    Cloudiness (type andnimea height of clouds);

  •    Soil surface temperature (ordinary, maximal, minimal);

  •    At depth soil temperature on thee sector without vegetation (at a depth of 5, 10, 15 and 20 cm);

  •    At depth soil temperature on the sector with vegetation (at a depth 0,20, 0,40, 0,80, 1,20, 1,60, 2,40 and 3,20 m);

  •    Snow cover (height, density, water reserves);

  •    Atmospheric phenomena.

The recording of  air  temperature  and  humidity  takes place at a series of stations with the help of registering equipment (3 stations), the intensity of precipitations (15 stations), the sunny period duration (8 stations), barometric tendency (18 stations).

During 2004-2008 there were installed and put into operation 14 automatic weather stations (Chişinău, Briceni, Bălţi, Corneşti, Ştefan Vodă şi Cahul, Soroca, Făleşti, Bravicea, „Codrii”, Bălţata, Leova, Comrat, Ceadîr-Lunga) AIIS „Pogoda”. The automatic stations allows the automatic and non-stop record of temperature, air humidity, wind speed and verocity, soil temperature at 5,10,15 and 20 cm depth.

Also, actinometrical observations are made at Chişinau and  „Codrii” stations (direct solar radiation, diffuse,summary, radiation balance and surface albedo).

The radiole radiolradiological sounding of the atmosphere represents the only source of weather information about the state of troposphere and inferior stratosphere. Such observations are carried out at the Chişinău Upper Air Station.

Meteorologicalle  observations at posts  (11 meteorological posts, 20 agrometeorological posts and 29 hydrological posts) are carried out at 6a.m. and p.m. (GMT) on the following   meteorological elements:

  •    Air temperature (mmaximal, minimal);

  •    Precipitations;

  •    Snow layer (depth, density, water reserves);

  •    Atmospheric phenomena.

The weather stations and posts carry out non-stop observations on the hazardous meteorological phenomena.

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