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Agrometeorological Monitoring Center


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The observation of the following parameters is carried out:


1. Temperature in the farmlands soil layers:


  - at the tillering node;

  - at a 5 cm depth;

  - at a 10 cm depthm;


2. Soil humidity:


  - instrumental at a 0-20 cm depth;

  - instrumental at a 0-50 cm depth;

  - instrumental at a 100 cm depth;

  - visually in the superior layer of the soil;


3. Observations and measurements of the soil and snow layer state during the cold season:


 - depth of ground freeze;

 - Depth of ground thaw;

 - Thickness and density of the snow layer on the farmlands in the winter season;


4. Development phases of the crops.

5. Observations on the crops state by determining the:


  - sowings density;

  - plants height;

  - stern and potato bulbs growth;

  - sugar beet and fodder swede roots growth;

  - multiannual plants, sowed plants and mixed plants eight growth;


6. Determination of the crops production elements.


7.  Analyses of the crops production elements.

8. Observations on the crops during the cold season:


  - Autumn observation on the autumn crops and multiannual plants;

  - Spring observations on the autumn crops and   multiannual plants;

  - Wood ripening of the trees and vineyards during autumn;

  - Determination of the viability of the autumn crops and multiannual plants during winter;

  - Determination of the viability of fruit trees and vineyard sticks during winter;


9. Observations on the damage of sowings due to unfavorable meteorological phenomena, agricultural pests and diseases:


 - Determination of the crops damage due to several factors during  the active vegetation period  of the plants;

 - Observations on the grains and straw humidity, germination of grains  during harvesting the cereal crops;

 - Determination of the weed spread;


10. Observations on the field works.

11. General visual estimation of the crops vegetation state.

12. Quantitative estimation of the crops vegetation state.

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