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Hydrology Centre


|Intro page HD| HFD| SWCD| HG|


Hydrology Forecast Division




The Hydrological Forecast Division provides the following products to the central and local public authorities, national economy and population:

  • hydrologic bulletin;

  • long range forecast on:

a) volume and start date of spring high waters;

b) hydrographs of the pluvial floods;

·  short range forecast and warnings on:

a) daily water level and water discharge of the Dniester and Prut rivers;

b) maximum water level and water discharge during spring and pluvial floods;

c) volume of pluvial floods;

d) date of ice formation;

e) date of ice breakage;

·  advice on the possible increase of water table elevation in the small rivers due to the forecasted quantity of precipitations.


The following methods for information of the end users are used:


1) Hydrologic Bulletin - that is issued when spring high waters occur, water regime or river freeze-up regime changes;

2) Special Forms of Forecast Issuance - informative note regarding the start date and volume of the spring high waters);

3) Urgent Warnings on occurrence of the dangerous hydrological phenomena sent via phone, fax, email and mass-media;

4) Advice Regarding the Forecasted Water Regime Characteristics sent in the same way as the urgent warnings.




Contacts: tel: (022) 77-36-18

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