Administration  Meteorology Hydrology Financial Departement

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No hazardous weather forecast.

No dangerous hydrological phenomena forecasted.

 There exists the risk of flood or sudden water level rise that will not cause significant impact, but requires an increased vigilance. Exceeding the ATTENTION LEVEL Attention level: the flood risk may occur after short period of time, during which there may be undertaken protection or evacuation measures.

There exists the risk of floods that may cause major overflows that may cause a significant impact on the community’s activities, population security and goods. Exceeding the FLOOD LEVEL Flood level: the flooding of the first object starts.

There exists the risk of catastrophic floods. The population’s life and goods are directly threatened. Exceeding the RISK LEVEL Risk level: the level when some special measures are applied. The measures are: population and goods evacuation, restriction in use of the bridges and roads, as well as the exploitation of the hydrological facilities in a special regime.

  Risks and is recommended:

Risks and is recommended:


Risks and is recommended:

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