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Treşcilo Lidia, Şef Direcţiei Meteorologie
Serenco L., Şef Direcţiei Hidrologie
Şef Direcţiei Monitoring al calităţii mediului  Gavril Gîlcă


Nomenclature of the paid services of

the State Hydrometeorological Service de



         Services provided by the Meteorology Department

         Services provided by the Hydrology Department

        Services provided by the Environmental Quality Monitoring Department    


Services provided by the Meteorology Department

  • Warnings on hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena;

  • Weather forecast (7 days lead-time);

  •   Tailored meteorological forecasts upon request;

  • Daily weather bulletin that includes:

           -  the meteorological diagnosis for the last 24 hours;

           -  the detailed weather forecast for the following 24 hours;

           -   the weather forecast for the following 2-7 days;

  • Various information about weather for any period of time;

  • Data on climatic resources of the republic;

  • Meteorological data;

  • Certificates about the influence of the weather conditions on the crops state and agro-technical works for any vegetation period;

  • Data on the hibernation conditions of the autumn crops, trees and vineyards;

  • Data on the productive humidity reserves in the soil forecasted at the beginning of the spring agro-technical works;

  • Actual  data  on  the productive  humidity  reserves  in the soil  on  the croplands   for any  vegetation period;  

  • Calculations of the expected harvest quantity of the main crops with a 1-3 months lead-time;

  • Information  about  the forecasted  and  real  data  on the occurrence  of different  crop development  phases;

  • Information about the forecasted and real data on the active and effective sums of the air temperature;

  •   Long term average data on productive humidity reserves in the soil, active and effective sums of the air temperature, data on the occurrence of different crop development phases;

  • Preparation and presentation of data in the form of agrometeorological bulletin and yearbook;

  • Assessment of the eolian potential;

  • Selection of locations for the establishment of eolian power installations.


Contact details:


Lidia Treşcilo, Chief Meteorology Department,

Chişinău, 134, Grenoble str. , tel. 77-36-44; e-mail:


Services provided by the Hydrology Department          

  • Short range hydrological forecasts (1-5 days lead-time);

  • Hydrological warnings;

  • Information about the river regime;

  • Analyses and description of the hazardous hydrological phenomena;

  • Technical and scientific advice;

  • • Studies of hydrological parameters;

  • Analyses of the human activity impact and of the climate change on the hydrological regime;

  • Eco-hydrological researches;

  • Studies and researches about the water resources protection;

  • Studies about the morphology of the rivers of the republic.

Contact details:


Ludmila Serenco, Chief Hydrology Department,

Chişinău, 134, Grenoble str., tel. 77-36-22; e-mail:


Services provided by the Environmental Quality Monitoring Department

  • Information about the surface and drinking water pollution degree (3 liters are enough);

  • Information about soil pollution degree and fertility (0,5 kg of soil are enough);

  • Information about the ambient air pollution degree in the living, recreational or working spaces;

  • Forecasts of the background air pollution;

  • Warnings about the high and very high air pollution level;

  • Information about the radiation background level;

  • Complex ecological control and information about the background pollution for any project from the territory of the country.

Contact details:


Gavril Gîlcă, Chief of the Environmental Quality Monitoring Department,

Chişinău, 134, Grenoble str., tel. 76-68-55; e-mail:


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