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  History SHS

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 International Cooperation and European Integration Division



   The State Hydrological Service performs its international activity generally in the following directions:

  •  Participation in the programs of the World Monitoring Organization (WMO);

  •  Partnership within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS);

  •  Fulfillment of bilateral agreements and national hydrometeorological tasks;

  •  Participation in scientific programs within the International Conventions and Projects. 

     As representative of the Republic of Moldova with World Meteorological Organization, the State Hydrometeorological Service takes part in all its main programs and projects on meteorology, climatology and hydrology. Hydrometeorological data are transmitted to the global and regional centers for international data exchange. WMO grants considerable technical and financial support to the Service. Due this our specialists participate in international conferences, seminars and specialized workshops.

    An important step in the Service development was signing in 1996 by the Service and National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (in Bucharest) of the Memorandum on Cooperation in Central and Southern Europe in the domain of spectral numerical weather prediction for limited area (ALADIN, Meteo-France).

    Collaboration with National Hydrometeorological Services of different countries is performed in the framework of bilateral agreements. Intergovernmental programs on long-term cooperation with Ukraine and Romania significantly contribute to strengthening of the cooperation. Under these agreements and programs regular exchange of operative hydrometeorological information, monitoring of water resources of the rivers Nistru and Prut are performed.

    The Service participated in elaboration of the projects on regional hydrometeorological data exchange between the Danube countries (Danube-HYCOS) and the Back Sea Basin (Black Sea HYCOS). Also the Service is collaborating in the programs financed by TACIS: “Management of the Prut River”, “Accident Emergency Warning System for the Danube River”.




           Chief of the Division          Efros Natalia      tel:  773529           e-mail:

                                                                                       web site :



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