World Bank project „Disaster and Climate Risk

Management in Moldova” (2010-2013)


        The project “Disaster and Climate Risk Management in Moldova” started in the autumn  of 2010,  implemented  by  the World Bank in  cooperation with the International Development Association.

        This project represents a great step in the activity of capacity strengthening and integration in the management of disaster risks at national and regional level.

        The Project objective is to reduce the country’s vulnerability to natural risks. The objective will be achieved through strengthened capacities to: (1) monitor weather and issue early warnings of weather-related hazards by providing timely and accurate hydrometeorological forecasts and services; (2) manage and coordinate responses to natural and man-made disasters; and (3) help individuals, particularly farmers, be aware of, and adapt to natural hazards and climate variability.

        The project  proposes   three  components:

         -     Component A: Strengthen the SHS’s Severe Weather Forecasting Capacity - aims to strengthen the State Hydrometeorological Service’s ability to forecast severe weather and provide decision makers and other users with more effective, diverse, and timely forecasts and warnings.

         -    Component B: Improve Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response - aims to strengthen Government capacity to manage emergencies and coordinate disaster response among levels of government agencies by establishing and operating an Emergency Command Center (ECC), and associated capacity-building activities.

          -     Component C: Initiate Activities for Adaptation to Climate Risks in Agriculture, the objective, of the component is to enhance the practical application of agrometeorological information in the agriculture sector in order to increase its resilience towards adverse weather effects. This objective will be achieved through support to the following activities.

        -       Sub-Component A.1 – Develop Early Warning/Nowcasting Capabilities, economic losses from severe weather, flash floods and floods can be significantly reduced by establishing a “nowcasting” system. 10 This sub-component will strengthen data, communications, and modeling technology to provide timely, accurate, and geographically precise weather hazard warnings. The sub-component will support automation of the hydrometeorological observation network to accelerate accurate data delivery to users for more effective decision-making. This sub-component will upgrade meteorological instruments and hydrologic gauges to automated sensing systems to provide users with data and will also increase computer quantity and software quality to create more useful data and effective forecast products for users. Strengthening Moldova’s hydrometeorological data has potential for benefiting neighboring countries. Sharing of hydrometeorological data and information with countries in the region has potential for improving forecasting capabilities for Moldova’s SHS as well as its partners.

        -       Sub-Component A.2 – Dual Polarization Doppler Radar Technology for Localized Forecasts, a dual polarization Doppler radar is now the most effective meteorological tool to predict floods, high winds, hail, and other severe weather, and issue warnings. This subcomponent will improve meteorological modeling systems by providing a mesoscale model and Integrated Meteorological Workstation, and eventually a hydrologic modeling system for predicting flash–floods. These will provide best practices in delivering effective warnings to the Department of Exceptional Situations (DES), Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI) and other users of SHS services.

        -       Sub-Component A.3 – Development of Plans for Seasonal/Climate Forecasts, Building a real-time hydrometeorological data system is a first step to improving medium- to long-term forecasting. Improving and automating agro-meteorological data collection and distribution will improve drought forecasting. The next phase in strengthening hydrometeorological forecasting for drought involves expanding forecasting capability to monthly and seasonal scales. SHS is developing a monthly climate forecasting program, and starting to build a national drought forecasting center, which is part of the World Meteorological Organization Eastern Europe Regional drought forecasting program. Building the data system leads to more effective input to Global and Regional Decadal climate forecasting models to improve accuracy of model simulations to use for adaptation. This sub-component will support the SHS to develop plans forsuch a data system and, if resources permit, to provide investments for equipment.


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