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   Environment Quality Monitoring Department


Surface Water Quality Monitoring Center


Surface Water Quality Monitoring Centre (SWQMC) started its activity in 1964, aiming to control the water quality of the transboundary rivers – Prut and Nistru.

At present the activity of the SWQMC has extendedand now it carries out systematic observations on  surfacewater  quality in 52 monitoring  sections  set  up  on  17 big and small rivers,6 reservoirs, 3 natural lakes and 1 liman,analyzing49 hydrochemical indices and 5 groups of hydrobiological elements.

The hydrobiological monitoring of surface water on the territory of the republic was initiated in the frame of the State Hydrometeorological Service since 1976. Over a period of 34 years the Hydrobiological Groupcarries out observations and calculations parallel with laboratory analysis.Theresults are assessed and included in the Yearbook of Surface Water Quality. A special feature of the bio-monitoring is the possibility to provide quickly relevant information using minimum of resources.

The surface water quality monitoring is carried out by 17 specialists with relevant education and reach experience.

According to the Bilateral Cooperation Agreement between Republic of Moldova and Romania (“Regia Apelor Române” concern, Iaşi branch),SWQMC is investigating the water quality of the Prut river in 7 jointly established monitoring sections,analyzing 39 hydrochemical indices and 3 groups of hydrobiological elements.

In the frame of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, the monitoring  is  carried  out  in  3 sections of the TransNational Monitoring Network (TNMN), analyzing 52 hydrochemical quality indices and 5 groups of hydrobiological elements. The monitoring of the aquatic alluvial deposits in the TNMN analyzing 21 quality indices is carried out.

Also the in the frame of the Bilateral Cooperation Agreement between Republic of Moldova and Ukraine the mutual exchange of information and data on water quality of the Nistru and Prut rivers in the transboundary sections is realized.

Every  three  months  SWQMC  participates in the external international laboratory control (Qualco Danube) in cooperation with the VITUKI Environmental Protection and Water Management Research Institute, Hungary. This activity contributes to increasing of the veracity and competitively of the analyses carried out in the laboratories of the Department.

Due to extension of the international cooperation and active participation in the international projects, the laboratories were provided modern analytic equipment and the specialists had the opportunity to be trained at various international relevant institutions.

The initiation of alignment process to the international standards and requirements led to the possibility  to  assess,   certify   and accredit the  staff  according  to the  European quality  standard ISO 17025.




Chief of the SWQMC            Iurcu Valentina.      - tel: (022) 76-24-66



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