
The climatic and agroclimatic characterization of September
on the territory the Republic of Moldova


       In September the average monthly air temperature is 4-5ºÑ lower comparing to August and varies between +14ºÑ in the Northern part and +17ºÑ in the Southern part. From meteorological point of view, the summer season continues in average until 12-23 September, when the daily average temperature passes the figure +15ºÑ towards its decrease. The coldest September since the beginning of instrumental observations was recorded in 1996, when the average monthly  air temperature varied between +10,8ºC (Briceni) and +13,3ºC (Comrat). The warmest September was recorded in 1994, when the average monthly  air temperature varied between +18,4ºC (Briceni) and +20,8ºC (Comrat, Cahul).

       The average daily  air temperature values duringthe month oscillated between +2..+4ºÑ (1977) and +25..+27ºÑ (1946, 1952). The absolute minimum of the air temperature in September since the beginning of instrumental observations constituted - 6,3ºÑ (Soroca, 29 September, 1977), and at the soil surface - -9ºÑ (Bălţata, 1977). The absolute maximum reached +37,3ºC (Chișinău, 9 September, 1946).

       The frosts may occur in September. The earliest frosts at the soil surface were recorded on 8 September 1953 (Camenca, Rîbniţa, Bravicea, Cornești, Comrat - the intensity of 0ºÑ), in the air - on 17 September 1952 (Briceni, Bălţi, Tiraspol, Leova - the intensity up to -2,5ºÑ).

       The average long term quantity of precipitations in September constitutes 35-58 mm and the highest monthly quantity of precipitations was 359 mm (Sîngerei, 1996). Nevertheless, in the last years, in some areas there were recorded no precipitations at all (1982, 2005). According to the long term observations the highest daily quantity of precipitations in September constitued 153 mm (Leova, 2001). The number of days with precipitations is in average 6-8 days, with fog and thunderstorms - circa 2 days.

       In some years, by the end of September there may fall the first snow (Briceni, 27 September, 1977 and Chișinău, 1906), but it melts very soon.

       Among the dangerous meteorological phenomena for this month there may be notices the heavy rains - in average once in 2-3 years. The long lasting heavy rains are recorded in average to once in 10 years. The frequency of hail reduces in average to once in 6 years, but the threat of early frosts appears, and they may occur once in 7 years.

       According to long term average data, in the first half of September the full maturity of maize beans (5-18 September), the ripeness of the late apple and pear varieties (7-12 September) is recorded.

       Along with the stable transition of the daily average temperature through +15ºÑ towards its decrease, the favorable conditions for the growth and development of the thermophilic crops finish, and the mass harvesting of maize, sun-flower, vegetables, fruits and grapes starts. At the end of month the sugar beet harvesting starts.

       The optimal term for autumn wheat seeding in the majority of the districts of the country is the first half of September, and it is necessary to finalize the seeding of autumn crops on the 10 October. In the second half of September, after 11-14 days since the seeding, the autumn wheat rise phase is noticed.

       During the autumn crops seeding on a big of the territory of the country the long term average productive humidity reserves in the arable soil laver constitute 20-25 mm.



Chief MCMCC             T. Bugaeva

 Chief AFC                  T. Mironova