
The climatic and agroclimatic characterization of May
on the territory the Republic of Moldova


         In May the air temperature continues to increase and its average values are between +15ºC in the Northern part and +16ºC in the Southern part. The coldest May since the beginning of instrumental observations was recorded in 1980, when the average monthly air temperature varied between +11,4ºC (Briceni) and +13,4ºC (Bălţata). The warmest May was recorded in 2003, when the average monthly air temperature varied between +19,8ºC (Briceni) and +21,1ºC (Dubăsari).

         The stable transition of the average daily air temperature through +15ºC, i.e. the beginning of the meteorological summer, is noticed during 8-20 May.

         The average daily air temperature values during the month oscillated between +3ºC (1965) and +28ºC (1996). The absolute minimum of the air temperature in May since the beginning of instrumental observations constituted -3,8ºC (Briceni, 5 May 1947), and the  absolute maximum +37,0ºC  (Cahul, 17 May 1969, Ştefan Vodă 20 May 1996).

         The frosts (the decrease of the air and surface soil temperature up to 0ºC and lower during the vegetation period) may occur in May. The latest date of air frost last occurrence is 24 May for the Northern and Central part of the republic ( Rîbniţa, 1980 –    -0,4ºC), 2 May – for Southern one (Ceadîr-Lunga, 1988 – -2,1ºC). At the soil surface the frosts may occur until 1 June (Briceni, 1955 – -0,4ºC). The snow, as an atmospheric phenomena, may be recorded until 20 May (Briceni, 1952).

         The average long term quantity of precipitations in May constitutes 44-70 mm, and the number of days with precipitations is 8-12. According to the long term observations the highest monthly quantity of precipitations was 231 mm (Leova, 1991), and the highest daily quantity – 103 mm (Soroca, 1933).

          Fogs (in average 1-2 days),  and thunderstorms (4-7 days) may occur in May.

         The frosts are the most dangerous meteorological phenomena in May. They are recorded in average once in 10 years. Also, in this month there increases the probability of downpours and heavy hail – in average once in 2 years. The heavy rains may be recorded in average once in 3 years, and the long lasting heavy rains – in average once in 50 years. The intensification of the wind speed above 25 m/s may be registered in average once in 5 years. The vortexes are also possible. So, on 25 May 1984 in the Mîndra village, Călăraşi district there was recorded a very severe vortex.

         May is characterized by the beginning of growth and active development of the thermophilic crops.

         Around 3 May, in the northern half of the republic, the mass rise of the sugar beet is noticed, around 18 May the appearance of the 3-rd real leaf is recorded.

         In the last pentad of April – beginning of May the sunflower rises up.

         The mass tillering of spring barley and oat is recorded during 7-12 May.

         The mass rise of maize takes place during 13-17 May, of the potato – 12-22 May.

         In late April – early May (25 April - 8 May) the pears and apples begin to flower.

        The optimal terms for seedlings plantation in the Southern and Central districts of the republic are around 5 May, in the Northern part – 15 May.

         The mass autumn wheat spike forms in the period 24 May-2 June.         

        The productive humidity reserves in the 1 meter depth soil on the fields with autumn wheat during the spike formation stage constitutes, basically, 85-115 mm, in some South and Central regions – 65-75 mm.

         The intensive frosts represent highest threat for crops in May. They may cause significant damages to the harvest of the trees during the flowering period. The probability of frost damage caused to flowers and to apricot yield in May constitutes in average 15-40 %, to other trees – up to 15 %.

         During spring, the less swollen vineyards buds are damaged at a -3..-4 ºÑ temperature. The spring tardy frosts represent an especial danger for the vineyards after the buds opening (25 April - 2 May).

         The spring tardy frosts in May are especially dangerous for the thermophilic crops and vegetables during their development phases. The probability of damaging by frosts of maize, depending on the sawing terms, is 5-10 %. The probability of damage of sun flower and sugar beet during their rise is not high and is possible only in the Northern part of the republic. The spring cereal crops during their rise period are very resistant to frost and resist to the decrease of the air temperature up to -7..-9°C.

         The technical crops and vegetables – tobacco, potato, tomatoes, pepper, eggplants and others are the most sensitive to cold. The frosts with the intensity 0..-1° C may cause their death.

         The risk climatic factors that represent a threat for crops in May are droughts and hot dry winds.  The unfavorable spring conditions have a negative impact especially on autumn crops, they partially reduce the weeding crops and trees yield. In May the hot dry winds are recorded in average in 3-7 days. The spring drought is recorded in April – May. Its frequency is 15% of year. The unfavorable spring conditions have a negative impact on autumn crops harvest and partially reduce the harvest of the cultivated crops and for trees.


            Chief MCMC                   T. Bugaeva

             Chief AFC                      T. Mironova