
The climatic and agroclimatic characterization

of March


         During March the average monthly air temperature increases by cu 4-5ºC comparing to February, its average values vary between +1ºC in the Northern part and +3ºC in the southern part of the republic. Since the beginning of instrumental measurements the coldest March was recorded in 1952, when the average monthly air temperature varied between -3,7ºC (Corneşti) and -6,1ºC (Briceni), and in 1990 there was recorded the warmest Marchaverage monthly air temperature oscillated between +6,8ºC (Briceni) and +9,0ºC  (Chişinău, Tiraspol, Comrat, Cahul). The stable transition of the average daily temperature through 0ºC towards its increase is usually registered between 27 February – 11 March.

         The average  daily  air  temperature  during March     oscillated  between -13..-16ºC (1987) and +15..+18ºC (2002). The absolute minimum of the air temperature since the beginning of observation period on the territory of the country constitutes -25,8ºC (Bravicea, 4 March 1955), and the absolute maximum – +27,9ºC (Comrat, 1926).

         The monthly quantity of precipitations in March constitutes 18-34 mm, and the number of days with precipitations is around 8 - 12. According to the long term observations, the highest monthly quantity of precipitations reached 168 mm (Edineţ, 1940), and the highest daily quantity 70 mm (Ştefan Vodă, 2002).

         The snow layer on the territory of the country persists until middle of March, and in the Northern part – until 27 March. Its average decadal thickness oscillates between 2 and 11 cm, and its maximal thickness may be 97 cm (Briceni, 10 March, 1973).

         Fogs (in average 2-6 days), glazed frost and ice deposits (1-3 days), icy roads (around 5 days) and snow storms (one day)are specific for March. Also there may occur thunderstorms, but their probability is very low (no more than 2-4 occurrences in 10 years).

         The most dangerous meteorological phenomena for March are storms and heavy snowing. They are recorded in average once in 6 years. Also there may be recorded intensive glazed frost deposits (in average once in 20 years) and severe snow storms (in average once in 40 years).

         The beginning of the spring agricultural works depends on the dates of snow melt and soil thaw.  The soil thaw up to 30 cm depth, is usually recorded between 10-17 March, the total thaw –11-20 March. The soil dry up is usually noticed on 18-28 March and it indicates the optimal dates for the beginning of tillage before the sowing works.

         The restart of the vegetation period of the autumn crops takes place between 16-25 March. During the early springs, the vegetation period may restart in late February, during the late one – in the middle of April. The productive soil humidity reserves in 1 meter depth at the beginning of the restart of autumn crops vegetation period are generally fine (140-160 mm), the Southern region – satisfactory (125-135 mm). Such humidity reserves boost the autumn crops growth. During the very arid springs, the productive humidity reserves are insufficient and constitute 60-70 mm.

         The favorable conditions for the beginning of early crops sowing (barley and oats) appear when the average daily temperature (on the date of sowing) constitutes +5°C and higher, the soil has a plastic and soft texture and gets warm up to +5..+6°C. Such conditions occur almost yearly (75% of years) in late March – early April. During this period of time, the long term average productive humidity reserves in the plowed soil layer in the Southern part constitutes 25-30 mm, in the rest of the territory – 35-40 mm. In early springs, the beginning of the spring crops sowing starts in late February–early March, and in late springs – in the second decade of April.

         Usually, the multiannual plantations on the territory of the country restart their vegetation period between 23 March and 4 April (along with the stable transition of the average temperature through +5 °C). Usually, the tree bud swelling starts in the second half of March, the sap circulation in vineyards starts in late March. In early springs, the beginning of bud swelling and the flowering of apricot tree takes place between 15-28 March.



Chief MCMCC             T. Bugaeva

 Chief AFC                T. Mironova