
The climatic and agroclimatic characterization of June
on the territory the Republic of Moldova



        In June the long term average air temperature in the territory is between +17,8ºÑ in the Northern part and +20,0ºÑ in the Southern part. The coldest June since the beginning of instrumental observations was recorded in 1949, when the monthly average air temperature varied between +15,1ºC (Briceni) and +17,0ºC (Tiraspol). The warmest June was recorded in 2007, when the monthly average air temperature varied between +20,2ºC (Briceni) and +23,8ºC (Dubăsari).

       The daily average air temperature of June are oscillating: The daily minimum of air temperature in the country during the last years constituted +6..+10ºC (1962, 1977), while the maximum was of +27..+29ºC (1935, 1957, 1963). The absolute minimum of air temperature during the whole period of observations constituted +1,3ºC (Leova, 1 June 2006), and the absolute maximum was of +39,5ºC  (Făleşti, 26 June 2007). Frosts may occur in June and the latest date of frost occurrence was 1 June (Briceni, 1955, -0,4ºC).

       According to long term observations, June is the rainiest month of the year. The monthly average of precipitation quantity on the territory of Moldova constitutes 62-95 mm, and the number of days with precipitations is of 10-13 days. According to the long term observations, the greater monthly precipitation quantity was of 330 mm (Brăneşti, Rîşcani, 1985), and the greater daily precipitation quantity - 193 mm (Valea Rusului, Făleşti, 1985).

In June there may occur fogs (in average 1-2 days), thunderstorms (in average 7-10 days) and heavy hail (until 1-4 days).

        Among the extreme meteorological phenomena, the most dangerous in June are the heavy rains and hail, which occur annually. Heavy rains may be recorded once in 4 years, the intensification of wind speed (more than 25 m/s) – in average once in 3 years, the vortexes – in average once in 60 years.

        According to long term data, flowering of winter wheat is observed at the beginning of June (3-9 June). In Moldova, the period of winter wheat grain filling (flowering and milk ripeness of winter wheat) lasts in average 15 days. Moisture supply for grain filling of winter wheat is satisfactory and its contents in one meter layer of soil can vary from 90 to 120 mm in the Northern districts of the republic and 60-110 mm – in Southern regions. The milk ripeness of grains occurs in the second half of June.

        In the first half of June, it is observed the ear formation of the spring barley and in the third decade – the milk ripeness.

        The process of intense growth of maize leaves begins after the formation of the fifth leaf, i.e. in the first decade of June. Moisture supply of maize (1 meter soil layer) during the growing season in the Southern part of the Republic does not exceed 45-50% from the optimal quantity, in the Northern and Central parts – 60-70% from the optimal. Therefore, for the successful cultivation of maize on the territory of Moldova, irrigation is necessary.

     The second decade of June marks inflorescences of sunflower. Long term average of productive moisture reserves in a half-meter layer of soil in this period is of 50-60 mm, which is sufficient for the normal growth and development of sunflower.

        June marks the beginning of root growth of sugar beet. Favorable conditions for the growth of sugar beet are created when the moisture in a meter layer of soil passes over 100 mm.

       In June one can observe the increase of fruits in orchards – cherry, sour cherry and apricot. According to long term average data, in the first part of June the grapes are flowering.

       Among the unfavorable phenomena for the crops in June there are the droughts, dry winds and heavy rains. In June the dry winds of varying intensity are observed on average in the republic within 1-3 days. Heavy rains may cause lodging and washing away crops.



Chief MCMCC             T. Bugaeva

 Chief AFC                  T. Mironova