
The climatic and agroclimatic characterization of July
on the territory the Republic of Moldova



        According to the term observations, July is the warmest month of the year in Moldova. The monthly average air temperature varied in the territory +19ºÑ in the Northern part and +22ºÑ in the Southern part. The coldest July since the beginning of instrumental observations was in 1979, when the monthly average air temperature varied between +16,5ºC (Briceni) and +18,9ºC (Cahul). The warmest July was recorded in 2007, when the monthly average air temperature oscillated between +21,9ºC (Briceni) and +26ºC (Tiraspol, Cahul).

       The daily average air temperature of July is greatly oscillating. The daily minimum of air temperature in the country during the last years constituted +11..+13ºC (1984), while the maximum was of +28..+33ºC (2001, 2007). The absolute minimum of air temperature during the whole period of observations constituted +5,5ºC (Briceni, 7 July 1976), and the absolute maximum was of +41,5ºC  (Camenca, 21 July 2007).

       The amount of precipitation in July constitutes in average 53-89 mm, and the number of days with precipitations is about 8-12 days. According to long term observations, the greatest amount of precipitations in July was of 330 mm (Briceni, 2003), and the greatest daily amount of 218 mm (Chișinău, 1948).

       In July there may occur fogs (in average 1-2 days), thunderstorms (in average 6-9 days) and heavy hail (until 1-3 days).

        Among the extreme meteorological phenomena, the most dangerous in July are the heavy rains and hail, which occur annually. Heavy rains may be recorded once in 5 years, the intensification of wind speed (more than 25 m/s) – in average once in 3 years, the vortexes – in average once in 30 years. Extremely dangerous may be the summer droughts that may occur once in 4 years.

        According to long term data, wax ripeness of winter wheat occurs in the first decade of July. Winter wheat harvesting is done in general in the period of 10-20 July.

        Mass harvesting of spring barley generally begins on 15-20 July in the Northen part of the republic, and 5 days earlier in the Southern part of Moldova.

        According to long term data, in July it is observed the forming and flowering of maize panic. The average long term moisture reserves in the soil layer of the 1 meter depth constitutes in this period 70-120 mm.

         In July, the peas are fully ripened.

        Accordind to long term data, in July, at sunflowers one can observe stem growth and flower formation.

       During July, the sugar beets see a thinckening of the main root. The average long term moisture reserves in the soil layer of 1 meter depth on sugar beet fields constitute 130-170 mm.

       According  to long term average data, July is marked by an increase in fruit orchards and by ripening of apricot, peach, plum and summer varieties of apples and pears. In July, grapes are growing and at the end of the month early varieties usually reach technical maturity. Optimal moisture conditions in the period from the beginning of flowering to ripening grapes are created when stocks of productive moisture in a meter layer of soil are about 100-140 mm.

       In July, forage crops such as alfalfa report a green mass increase after the first mowing.



Chief MCMCC             T. Bugaeva

 Chief AFC                  T. Mironova