„ Data Access for Western Balkan and Eastern European Countries (DAWBEE)”



        In March 2010 EUMETSAT has launched the project „ Data Access for Western Balkan and Eastern European Countries” (DAWBEE), that is part of the WMO RA VI Strategic Plan. In the frame of this project, several countries (Republic of Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro) benefited by installation of standard EUMETCast reception stations.

        Thus, in November 2010, within the regional EUMETSAT project, the DAWBEE station of reception and visualization of satellite data was installed in the National Meteorological Forecasting Center, through which it is realized the monitoring in cvasi-real time of the atmospheric status, evolution of cloudy systems, humidity fields characteristics and meteorological phenomena, etc.

        This can be realized both by using images from the 3 fields of the electro-magnetical spectrum – visible, infra-red (IR), and of water vapors. An advantage of the DAWBEE stations is the reception of RGB complex images that highlight some characteristics of air masses.



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