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      Environment Quality Monitoring Department


Physico-Chemical Analysis Center




The Physical-Chemical Analysis Center (PCAC)  was  was founded recently and it  is accredited by  the  national  accreditation  system  of Republic of Moldova  and  corresponds to the requirements SR SM  EN 17025:2006, accreditation certificate ¹ SNA MD CAECP LÎ 01 220 of 23 February 2010 best before 22 February 2014.

The Center is provided with up-to-date equipment that allows the use of modern analysis methods:


- HP 6890 – chromatograph than can be used with multiple detectors: Electron Capture Detector (ECD),   Nitrogen Phosphor Detector (NPD) and flame ionization detector (FID);

- AT 7890 A – chromatograph provided with Mass Selective Detector (MSD);

- AT 1200 – liquid chromatography with Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy (UVS);

- SOLAAR 969, SOLAAR 969Z – spectrofotometru cu atomic absorption spectrometers and graphite oven;

- ANALYTIKJENA - mercury analyzer.


The Center carries out the advanced cromatographical analysis methods of organichlorine pesticides (OCP), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), volatile organic compounds (VOC), pollutants included in the EU Water Framework Directive, priority substances included in the Stockholm Convention, etc. Also, the Center considers the possibility to extend the list of analyzed pollutants.

To ensure the obtained data authenticity, the Centre participates in the international intercomparison in determination of organochlorurates in the frame of the Stockholm Convention, ICPDR and UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution.

According to the Government Resolution No. 81 of 2 February 2009 and the Regulation on the BPC, approved by this resolution, at present there is carried out the inventarisation of BPC and the Center is taking part in this process.

The research of all parameters is carried out according to the in force laws (ISO, EPA, ÌÓ, ÃÎÑÒ etc.). The high qualification of the personnel that was trained at European relevant institutes, as well as the up-to-date equipment assured a high reliability and accuracy of data.



Chief of the Center Olga Mihni - tel       : (022) 76-68-77
     e- mail:



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