
CIS Interstate Council for Hydrometeorology


Taking into account the importance of the regular interchange of hydrometeorological data and information for the effective economic development, assurance of the population security and of the capacity of defense of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CSI), the Council of the leaders of state governments approved on the 8 March 1992, the Agreement regarding the cooperation in the field of hydrometeorology. The CIS Interstate Council for Hydrometeorology was created according to this Agreement.

The activity of the Council is regulated by documents approved by the supreme CIS organizations, and the operative activity - by documents approved at the sessions of the Council. The members of the Council are the directors of the National Hydrometeorological Services from the CIS. The main objective of the 14  Work Groups of the Council is to examine in details the difficulties of the NHMSs, to determine the discussion topics for the Council’s sessions and to elaborate projects, recommendations and decisions.

The main areas of cooperation are:

-       Hydrometeorological security

-       Information sharing and exchange

-       Provision of civil aviation with meteorological information

-       Long-range forecasts

-       Global climate change

-       Measurement equipment and methods

-       Environment quality

-       Observation network

-       Glaciology

-       Agrometeorology

-       Hydrology

-       Telecommunications and satellites

-       Early warnings

-       Transboundary pollution.

While evaluating the activity of the Council, one can observe that from the start, there has been demonstrated the opportunity, the necessity and the high efficiency of the Council. Being the coordinator and the organizer of the joint activities of the CIS in the field of hydrometeorology, the Council provided the operative production and scientific research works for the benefit of numerous users, inclusive of the population and of different branches of economy – agriculture, transport, energetic sector, defense etc.

For more information click  http://www.cis.minsk.by/