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   Environment Quality Monitoring Department


     Centre on Integrated Ecological Monitoring and Informational




Center on Integrated Ecological Monitoring and Informational Management (CIEMIM) is responsible for storage, collection, generalization, statistical analyses and assessment of the data on environmental quality, obtained from the laboratory analyses and from the monitoring network.

5 professional specialists with relevant education and training are involved in the process of data collection, analysis and assessment as well as in the development and redaction of the information on the environmental quality.

CIEMIM represents the final level of the environmental quality monitoring network in the frame of the State Hydrometeorological Service.

The main activity of CIEMIM starts with the development of a  database on a basis of analysis and calculations of the Environmental Quality Monitoring Department. The database is systematically completed with updated information on the state of air, surface water and soil pollution.

       The results obtained by using the data processing software are used to prepare monthly bulletins on environmental quality, on high and extremely high pollutionof the environmental compounds, informative bulletins and other types of updated information for the beneficiaries.

       The development and management of the database on the environment state in the Republic of Moldova is important for the decision making process of the relevant authorities and for determination of the ecological management strategies at all the administration levels.

       When a high or extremely high pollution level of the environmental compounds is registered a Warning Bulletinis prepared and distributed according to the Scheme approvedby the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, as well as posted on the official web page of the State Hydrometeorological Service - Information on environment quality, required by the beneficiaries, as well as the information stipulated in the Accords and Contracts of collaboration with different institutions at national and international levels, is prepared and distributed systematically.

       Annually the Center participates in the development of the State Water Cadastre by preparation and assessment of the data for the „Surface water quality” chapter.

       A very important indicator of the Center’s activity is the assessment and promotion of the obtained information in the Monitoring Department Yearbooks that are available for everybody:

  •   Surface Water Quality State according to the hydrochemical indices;

  •   Atmospheric Air Quality State;

  •   Soil Quality State;

  •   Radiological state of the main environmental compounds.

       One of the main priorities of the CIEMIM is the systematical familiarization of the ministries, departments, relevant institutes, decision-makers, population etc. with information about the level of pollution of environment.

       The information about the quality of environmental compounds obtained on the basis of laboratory analysis and from the monitoring network can be found on the webpage, as well as in the Data Fund of the State Hydrometeorological Service.



Chief of the Center Lidia Cozari - tel       : (022) 57-38-16
     e- mail:


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