
UN Convention to Combat Desertification

Desertification is one of the major global economic problems, especially because of the synergy between land degradation and food production. Due to the global climate warming, droughts become more frequent, intense and extended.

The gravity of global environment issues like drought and desertification, led to the adoption on 17 June 1994 in Paris of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, which entered into force on 26 December 1996. Until now, 193 countries adhered to UNCCD and 17 June is declared – World Day to Combat Desertification.

Acknowledging the fact that desertification is a major economic, social and environmental problem that concerns many countries in all regions of the world, the Republic of  Moldova adhered to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification  (UNCCD), on the basis of the Parliament Resolution No. 257-XIV from 24 December 1998. In line with this Resolution, there was elaborated and approved, by the Government Resolution nr. 367 from 13 April 2000, the „National Action Plan to combat desertification in the Republic of Moldova”. According to this National Action Plan, the relevant Ministries and the local public administration have concrete functions and strict terms of their accomplishment, as the situation seams to be acute.

Among the most important activities directed towards combating desertification in Moldova are the following:

·  Improvement of the favourable legislative framework for the protection, mitigation and sustainable use of soil resources, and its alignment to the European framework;

·      Development of soil quality informational system;

·   Landscape structure and reconstruction by extension of forests, grasslands, meadows and wet lands;

·  Implementation of phyto-ameliorative, silvi-technical and hydro-technical measures for minimizing soil erosion;

·         Irrigation rehabilitation and extension;

·   Training, informing and acknowledging system development for the population regarding land degradation and desertification;

The process of implementation of UNCCD provisions in Moldova is being coordinated by the work group created within the SHS and subordinated to the Ministry of Environment.

The National Focal Point of the Convention is dr. Ilie Boian, Director of the State Hydrometeorological Service.

For more information click www.unccd.int