The Moldo-Czech project 

Surface Water Monitoring and Flood Prevention in the river Raut”(2006-2008)

in the frame of the Czech Republic Assistance Programme


            The territory of Moldova is very frequently affected by catastrophic floods. In this regards it is necessary to implement systematic measures for flood risk reduction. One of them is the establishment of an adequate monitoring and warning system, as well other flood protection measures. Unfortunately, the economical situation of Moldova makes these activities more difficult to realize. Therefore the training of the State Hydrometeorological Service specialists was included in the list of primary activities agreed during the negotiations about the relevant foreign assistance.  

             The State Hydrometeorological Service proposed to transpose, as a pilot-project, the new developments in the field of surface water monitoring, early warning and flood protection measures. That technological innovation was supposed to be implemented in the Raut river basin.

            The Raut river is the right tributary of Nistru river. Its length is 286 km and the surface of the basin is 7760 km2. The riverain network of the basin has a ligneous character, its average density is 0,48 km/ km2. In the upper and lower course of the river, where the riverain network is uniform and regulated, the Raut river has 4 left tributaries: Cubolta, Cainar, Camenca, Dobruşca, and 3 right tributaries: Copceanca, Soloneţ, Ciuluc. In the lower course (the last 80 km) the river has a right tributary - Cula and a left tributary – Cogîlnic.  

            After the Soviet Union collapse, the State Hydrometeorological Service didn’t have the necessary financial means to maintain and equip the stations network. As a result the hydrological network of Moldova became obsolete comparing to the European standards, as regards to the technical assurance of the stations: for example the equipment for the hydrometric measurements, communications and information transfer and process, lack of a warning system.  

            On the Raut river there are located 5 seasonal hydrologic monitoring stations. The water channels and the water conditions are monitored at each of the five stations (Bălţi – population number 150 000, Teleneşti – population number 80 000, and Cubolta, Sevirovo, Jeloboc – population number in the limits of 50 000).

            The spring floods begin in February and culminate in March and their flowing water volume increases 100 times. 

            The main tasks of the pilot project were: 

-   Know-how transfer, after the selection of the stations sites in the Raut river basin,

-   Establishment of the measurement stations and equipment,

-   Determination of the hydrological models, including the training of the specialists in situ,

-   Implementation of other complex pilot projects in the flood protection area (determination of the territories affected by floods, development of action plans and of the draft prevention measures) on the selected territories.   

            In the key hydrologic profiles of the measurement stations (by using the existing monitoring stations network) there will be developed and implemented projects related to installation of equipment and software for the continuous measurement of the precipitations, air temperature (and other meteorological parameters) and surface status, including the instant calculation of the channel on the basis of the graphics with measurable curves. In order to develop the warning network, the critical volume of the channel was determined.  

            On some separate territories, where the measurements were already carried out and the hydrological databases were full enough, the flooding areas and the flood plans were developed with the aid of the hydrological models (for example for the localities Cubolta, Sevirovo, Teleneşti, Bălţi or Jeloboc). In the frame of the flood plans there were selected adequate locations for carrying out flood prevention measures. The last stage of the project was the projection of separate objects for flood protection (dry soil dams, reservoirs and water channel) in order to reduce the flood extent and to influence the flooding process.   

     During the project implementation the local specialists were familiarized with the building and maintenance works of the measuring instruments and with the data transfer and process system, as well as with the modern methods of hydrological modeling, work on the flood plan and technical details of the flood protection methods.

            I stage (2006) – collection of the monitoring data and of the hydrological models. In the first stage of the project implementation in Moldova: 21 September -10 October 2006, 4 Czech experts, leaded by the project manager – Helena Baberadova, together with the specialists of the State Hydrometeorological Service, carried out the activities planned for the first stage of the project, i.e. determination of the 3 hydrological monitoring points in the frame of the project: Teleneşti, Bălţi şi Jeloboc.

            II stage (2007) – process of the flooded area with the aid of the hydrological models and development of the plans for the areas exposed to flood risk, assistance in the administration of the monitoring network, training activities. 

            III stage (2008) – technical flood protection measures and assistance in carrying out the network monitoring.  

            The project activities were carried out by the Czech Company «AQUATEST» in cooperation with the State Hydrometeorological Service specialists. The project activities implied the acquisition of the materials necessary for the implementation of the project, that afterwards were handed over to the Service free of charge.


Postul hidrologic sat. Jeloboc ( hidrologii cehi transmit "nou hau" în domeniul monitoringului )

Postul hidrologic automatizat or. Bălţi, r.Răut.

Postul hidrologic automatizat sat. Jeloboc, r.Răut

Postul hidrologic automatizat sat. Sevirova, r.Căinari


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